Sunday, October 7, 2012

Need and answer NOW.. Come visit me at Wizpert..

For those of you that know me, you already know that I'm an extremely positive person who truly believes in a Higher Power & in the Ascending Masters. Often times the Higher Power I speak of, does not have a name so as to allow the listener or the reader to give that power whatever name they feel comfortable giving it. When I am giving my daily thanks for the amazing things that come to me or to those I love, I actually thank every one of the Higher Powers that I can think of including all of the Ascending Masters as well as others Spiritual Pet Rocks.

I am forever sharing my belief, in that everything happens for a reason & that everyone we encounter in our lives was strategically placed there by our Higher Power for a reason. Whether they were placed in our life to teach us, to love us, to help us, or to hurt us... each and every one of them are in our lives to mirror something back to us that will help us become a better person and live a happier, emotionally healthier more, insightful, more compassionate life! You can find out more of my thoughts on this subject on my web-site under the page titled: The World Is Your Mirror.

With all of this said, the other day I received an email from a gentleman named Michael Weinberg founder and CEO of a new service online called Wizpert which is free right now while it is still in beta. The email went on to explain that he was recruiting experts in many fields and he asked me if I would become one of the Wizperts (Expert in certain fields), I was so thankful, yet grounded enough to know that there are many scam artists out there.. that I immediately went to investigate the service.

Much to my surprise, Wizpert is in fact a real company offering very valuable services, such as Life, with sub categories like; Personal Development, Spiritual Development and or Spiritual Growth, Conflict Counseling, Parenting at each developmental age & stage, Friendships, Relationships, Dating Advice, Nurturing Love, Grief, Health & Wellness, Learning, Learning a new Language, I could go on and on.. however,  I'll let you check it out for yourself!

Wizperts are recruited via popular blogs that they have out there, where they are already helping those in need. He started this company for people who needed expert advice NOW.

The short version of how this amazing new site works is..

Someone is in need of help, they join the site @, they register and then they can chose from any one of the various specialty areas they need help in, and voila.. up pops a list of which Wizpert is available at that time, and the client then can read a paragraph about what that Wizpert has to offer and if the client so chooses they can then connect via Skype with whomever they feel can best help them.

My areas of Wizpertize are Personal Development & Growth, Spiritual Development & Growth, Conflict Counseling, and Parenting adolescents. Although, I have five children and could have chosen any age group, having five children I know that adolescents can be very challenging and I want to help where I feel help is needed most.  Additionally, I am writing up a proposal for Michael to add either Estrangement or Alienation to the site, for parents that have been forced out of their children’s lives by an abusive partner. Hopefully, I’ll be done with that by this evening.

So if you have questions you need answered, click on the Wizpert Blue Button on this website, and connect with me, and we'll talk for free; at least for now while the site is in beta!

Have an amazing day!